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About me

ELIANA MACHADO was born in Brazil and now lives in France. She graduated in Languages and Literature at the University of São Paulo and obtained her doctorate in Spanish Literature at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. She translated many Brazilian police novels for the French publishing company Actes Sud. She is a French and Spanish teacher in France and, currently, teaches in Monaco.


She published her first poetry book in Spanish, Blanco en el Blanco (Brazil, Ed. Scortecci, 2010), followed by Locus Brasilis (Peru, Ed. Mesa Redonda, 2012), with Raúl Zurita’s prologue), presented at the 17th International Book Fair in Lima (FIL). Her third poetry book: Succès intimes (France, Les Éditions des Trois Rivages, 2014), was launched at the International Book and Press Fair of Geneva.


Her first storybook Siete cuentos brasileños/ Seven Brazilian short tales (United States, La Ovejita de Papel, 2015), in a bilingual edition, was published after in Portuguese, Sete Contos Brasileiros (Brazil, Scortecci, 2015). As an editor, she published Hommage poétique à César Vallejo/ Homenaje poético a César Vallejo, book which includes poems of six contemporary Hispanic-American poets (France, Les Éditions des Trois Rivages, 2015) and was launched in Peru, at the 20th International Book Fair in Lima (FIL), and at the National Library of France. In 2016 She published her fourth book of poetry À Queima-roupa (Brazil, RG Editores), with Carlos Garrido Chalén’s prologue, and her first science fiction novel Brasil: Aventura Interior (Brazil, Scortecci), which was released at the 24th International Biannual Book Fair of São Paulo and at the United Brazilian Writers Association (UBE) headquarters. These two last books are already being translated into Spanish and French, and will be published soon. 

Among the awards she has received, stands out the Best Foreign Author award 2014, given by the French Press Union (UPF), from Monaco and the Literary Excellence award 2016, given by the International Spanish Writers Union. (UHE).


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