Here you'll find all my books. Hope you like them!
Brasil: Aventura Interior (español)
Brasil: Aventura Interior is a novel set in São Paulo, in Serra da Cantareira, in one of the greatest tropical urban forests in the world, declared as Reserve of Biosphere of Mata Atlântica by Unesco. In this first volume, the Abelhudos, a group of seven teenagers - three girls and four boys - adventure stories are told while they are accompanied by an autochthonous being - an e.t. - called Davoss.
Brasil: Aventura Interior is a novel set in São Paulo, in Serra da Cantareira, in one of the greatest tropical urban forests in the world, declared as Reserve of Biosphere of Mata Atlântica by Unesco. In this first volume, the Abelhudos, a group of seven teenagers - three girls and four boys - adventure stories are told while they are accompanied by an autochthonous being - an e.t. - called Davoss.
Sete contos brasileiros
By opening a story book, the first thing to wait is it is full of surprises. The Sete Contos Brasileiros is a bundle of stories completely different between them, with characters that look like they got out of different books, which interact in mysterious ways, not recognizing each other and looking at each other with the same awkwardly they look to life itself.
All the stories have a clear language and the way they are being forged, attracting and capturing the reader’s attention, in a thrill web of intrigues. All seems normal, giving the aspect that nothing bad could happen, but Eliana Machado is an artist that dominates very well the plot strings and knows when she has to pull hard to captivate us.
Siete cuentos brasileños/ Seven Brazilian Short Tales
By opening a story book, the first thing to wait is it is full of surprises. The Siete cuentos brasileños/ Seven Brazilian Short Tales is a bundle of stories completely different between them, with characters that look like they got out of different books, which interact in mysterious ways, not recognizing each other and looking at each other with the same awkwardly they look to life itself.
All the stories have a clear language and the way they are being forged, attracting and capturing the reader’s attention, in a thrill web of intrigues. All seems normal, giving the aspect that nothing bad could happen, but Eliana Machado is an artist that dominates very well the plot strings and knows when she has to pull hard to captivate us.
Succès Intimes
Written in French, Succès Intimes was publushed in 2014, in France (Les Éditions des Trois rivages). With this publication, Eliana Machado received, in May of the same year, the Best Foreign author of UPF Award, from Monaco.
This awarded poem book, altogether thirty - number representing the time needed to the moon give a complete turn around the globe-, has Rogério Soud’s color illustrations. In quatrain, Succès Intimes, toasts a deep reflection about life, with brushstrokes of humor, love and irony. It is a true object of art, which are mixed in a subtle way themes like introspection, time that passes and the true life values.
À queima-roupa
With a different kind of humor and a distinct literary technique and a singular form of confronting problems, À queima-roupa, without delay, approaches a variety of themes, that interests, without any doubt, the world. Machado, the talented tenderness poet, uses this roundabout, pletoric of enigmas phrase full of correlates, and direct and succinct, to produce as imaginary cannon of poetry which was created by her immense moral greatness and talent, a world is open, with her vocation of unfading creator, a Pandora’s box, that contain the most unpredictable secrets.
Blanco en el Blanco
The apparition of every new poet should be greeted as the discovery of a new star in the constellation. Some are bigger and brighter, just to vanish with the same intensity they first appeared. Others come discretely and with a progressive light, like the whispering of unbosom, but this bright will last longer, and will reach the deepness that only millenary beings inhabit.
Blanco en el Blanco from Eliana machado is a book which offers these last considerations. Her apparently stripped style keeps the thinking sharpness which is inherent of her poetic view of the world. Her image system allies perpectives tha reveal a pessimist and undelighted experience of life, but they are nuanced by love poems of pristine sincerity.
Hommage poétique à Cesar Vallejo
Ce livre est un hommage de six poètes latino-américains à l’œuvre poétique de César Vallejo, ce grand poète péruvien qui passa les quinze dernières années de sa vie (entre 1923 et 1938) à Paris. À l’instar de Vallejo, ils résident en terre étrangère (en France et aux États-Unis) et ont fait le choix d’y rester, illustrant ainsi ce que l’on nomme “l’identité transnationale”. Dans cette anthologie bilingue (espagnol-français), lesdits poètes témoignent de leurs expériences et développent ainsi leur propre langage, sans filiations stylistiques ou générationnelles communes.
Locus Brasilis
ISBN-lembre-se de colocar aqui, gabriel
Locus Brasilis from Eliana Machado is the meet of a poet which has started to open a new entry in recent latin American poetry. The first surprising aspect which amazes the reader is the way a place and an idiom, su locus, install themselves in the heart of another idiom and place. The poet brings a rigorous symmetry, which at the same time it evokes the Dantesque comedy structure, she transform it (…). Locus Brasilis ends with a love poem, which we will encounter within the most notable poems that can be found nowadays.
Raúl Zurita